Juno Payments recently worked with a furniture retailer that has 50+ showrooms, completes 60,000 deliveries and processes $40 million in credit card volume each month.
In order to better manage all facets of their business, the retailer selected SAP to implement an ERP system. The system SAP provided was designed for business-to-business organizations and lacked many of the capabilities a retail store would rely on to accommodate and secure an in-store transaction.
SUMMARY: Juno Payments provided the furniture retailer an all-in-one solution for integrated, secure payment processing consisting of:
- PCI-Validated P2PE Terminals: encrypts and tokenizes transactions at the swipe
- Juno Payments Gateway and Vault: transmits tokenized information into SAP and securely hosts raw cardholder data
- Juno Payments Merchant Services: delivers low transaction rates, cost savings and automated reconciliation reporting
According to SafeNet’s Breach Level Index, there was a 224% increase in data breaches in 2014, affecting nearly half of all Americans. The furniture retailer understood the increased risks facing retailers and sought the best available solution for safeguarding customer payment data. The retailer was using a simple swipe device connected to a computer running its SAP application to process transactions. Swiping a payment card on the device would automatically populate SAP with the transaction information. While the card numbers would then be immediately tokenized, there was a small period of time where sensitive data could theoretically be stolen.
Juno Payments solved the furniture retailer’s security issues with P2PE, the only available point-to-point encryption hardware-based solution for SAP users. P2PE consists of encrypts all card data at the point of entry, removing the retailer’s PCI burden related to accepting and processing payment cards. Juno Payments also stores the associated signature image with each transaction record. The furniture retailer plans to implement more than 1,000 CardSecure P2PE terminals in 2015.
About Juno Payments
Juno Payments is a leading provider of payment processing and technology that focuses on transparent multichannel integrated solutions for ecommerce, mobile, and standard merchants services. Juno Payments accepts hundreds of millions of dollars in card transactions each year focusing on Global solutions for national, mid-market and limited risk merchants. Designing comprehensive solutions that directly impact our customers bottom lines. We provide advanced payment solutions backed by PCI-certified point-to-point encryption (P2PE) and tokenization. Powerful reporting and transaction management portal which extends to mobile devices. For enterprise-level organizations, Juno Payments integrates omni-channel payment acceptance into several ERP systems – such as Oracle, SAP, JD Edwards and Infor M3 – in a way that minimizes PCI compliance requirements and lowers transaction costs.
We can help design a solution that is just right for you!