Integrate with

Not satisfied with your current business solution provider? Most are Not!
At Juno Payments we don’t forget who we are working for… YOU.
- Rather than telling you what you need without knowing your business, our job is to take a consultative approach to understand your requirement and create a custom solution that is right for your need, by leveraging the best offerings available.
- We assist in eliminating the confusion of the industry by offering each customer a hands-on approach to understand each facet of your financial and technical environment. So you can better understand what you really need to take your business to the next level.
- We help you to understand how you are charged so there are no surprises. Nobody knows your business as well as you do, we educate you on the options available. So you can become an informed buyer and participate in picking the best option that matches your strategic goals.
- We help you to model the potential savings in our proposal, so you can build a business case if needed.
- As your business evolves, we help you to understand those areas that can potentially impact your efficiency in the future.
- As your needs change, and you need to migrate/upgrade, we will help you to determine the best solution and develop a migration plan if needed.
- If there is a problem during or post implementation, we help you to escalate the issues to arrive at a prompt resolution, minimizing impact to your business.
- In Juno Payments, we view long term partnership and customer satisfaction/referral as our key growth strategy. We understand the importance of customer service in earning and keeping your business.
Why Should You Care?
- Better Integration with more systems – Faster and easier integration within your existing environment.
- Potential Cost Reduction – Lower cost, optimized workflow, automated processes.
- Reduced security exposure – Through off-site encrypted credit card vault and tokenization, we can minimize the risk for stolen. customer payment data due to hackers or employee fraud.
- Results that impact your bottom line budget – Faster funding, reduced credit card and paper check fraud, interchange optimization, minimized charge-back, minimized decline.
- Needs analysis – Rather than offering cookie-cutter solutions, we work with you to understand your unique requirements, and design a solution that is right for you. And as your business evolves, we are always here to grow with you.
We are all about the options for YOU!
Rather than offering a limited set of options, we have relationship and access to multiple service and solution providers. It means you have more choices to pick from, resulting in faster implementation, fewer custom work, lower risk, and less compromise on your visions.
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